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Congratulations Hawaii

Posted by on Oct 6, 2022 in Editorial, News & Events, World View | Comments Off on Congratulations Hawaii

The Hawaii Captive Insurance Council is thrilled to announce that Hawaii is shortlisted for ‘International Domicile’ which will be awarded...

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Risk-Topics Zoom Cast

Posted by on Sep 3, 2022 in Editorial, News & Events | Comments Off on Risk-Topics Zoom Cast

Be sure to visit the HCIC You Tube Channel to view the most recent recorded sessions. Sessions will be release periodically throughout the...

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Captives Insurance Times

Posted by on Jun 22, 2022 in News & Events | 0 comments

HCIC in the news – Announcement of the Hawaii Captive Insurance Council (HCIC) appointment of Paul Shimomoto as president for 2022....

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HCIC Zoom Cast May 2022

Posted by on May 26, 2022 in Editorial, News & Events | 0 comments

Pease enjoy HCIC’s first ever Zoom-Cast: A discussion on pandemic related challenges and creative captive solutions in the Hawaii...

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HCIC In Print

Posted by on Mar 28, 2022 in Editorial, News & Events | 0 comments

We are happy to share the Captive International 50th Anniversary Publication. Don’t miss the HCIC article on page 52, and a special...

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Updated Hawaii Statistics

Posted by on Feb 7, 2022 in Editorial, News & Events | Comments Off on Updated Hawaii Statistics

View the most recent Hawaii Captive Fact Sheet as of December 31, 2021 from the State of Hawaii Insurance Division, Department of...

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